Friday, December 26, 2014

Boxing Day.

I finally, truly understand the meaning of "Boxing Day". Especially, the "Boxing" part. I had to resist the urge to hit shoppers today that were either standing in the middle of the mall (taking up all the room and blocking all traffic) or just taking all the time in the world to walk through the mall.

I've always found Boxing Day to be a scam. Generally, the sales that start AFTER Boxing Day tend to be the cheapest sales. It's winter clearance basically in January. The most ironic part of Boxing Day is that the so-called sales have usually started a few days or weeks before. It seems that you actually spend more time in the car getting TO the mall than spending time shopping in the mall. As well, if you're an avid mall rat like myself, you'll know that some sales were even better BEFORE Boxing Day! Then they change it on you and mark up the prices and people who haven't gone to the mall in a month will think, "Oh! This is a great sale! 30% off!" But in reality, 48 hours ago it was actually 50% off. I can't recall finding any hidden gems of sales during Boxing Day and my advice to all of you out there is plain and simple: avoid it.


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